The Hilliard Education Foundation (HEF) was established in 1989 as a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization to enhance academic excellence within the Hilliard City School District.


The Hilliard Education Foundation impacts students’ lives by inspiring and supporting innovative learning experiences that advance student achievement in academics and citizenship.

Supporting the District’s 2020 Strategic Vision

The foundation works collaboratively with the school district and the Board of Education to supplement limited school district funds. The vast majority of foundation funding is dedicated to supporting the District’s 2020 Vision initiatives with grants to teachers for new and creative learning experiences and, most recently, providing funding for some of the special needs of the District’s Innovation Campus.

Learn more about the District’s 2020 Strategic Vision here and the Innovative Campus.

Grants for Innovative Classroom Projects

Since traditional public school funding sources do not always allow teachers to initiate new and creative learning experiences, the Foundation helps our schools provide the “extras” that can make a difference. Since its founding, the Foundation has provided and continues to provide, grants to teachers and staff to support innovative and results-oriented classroom projects.

Some of the creative programs, designed and implemented by teachers, and supported by HEF include: computer-based multimedia reading and writing programs, visits from professional authors and artists, advanced and interactive science projects, entrepreneurial skill-building programs, multi-cultural and language projects, and student-to-student tutoring programs.

All Hilliard School District teachers and staff are eligible to apply for an HEF grant. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis each spring for the following school year. A few non-competitive grants are also available based on donor-specified criteria.

Learn more about our grants and how to apply


The foundation administers college scholarships for graduates of Hilliard Bradley, Hilliard Davidson, and Hilliard Darby High Schools. The scholarships are awarded each spring to selected applicants in accordance with the donor’s intentions.

Learn more about the scholarships available and how to apply

Hilliard Education Foundation Board of Trustees

Stephanie Hampton, President
Jeff Schumaker, Vice President
Stasi Trout, Secretary
Jessica Lee, Treasurer

Board of Trustees
Rich Canary
Jeff Core
Kate Cunningham
Mindi Fisher
Sara Gandhi
Jill Gerschutz
Mark Henkel
Frank Johnson
Megan Moore
Amanda Morris
Stuart Osborne
Jon Parker-Jones
Abby Wilson
Christy Woodward

Ex-Officios (non-voting members)
Stacie Raterman, HCSD Director of Communications
Beth Murdoch, HCSD School Board
Kelly Gorby, Hilliard Education Association
(OPEN) Ohio Association of Public School Employees

Bookkeeper/Administrative Coordinator
Johnna Sprockett

Star Awards

The Board of Trustees annually selects “stars” from the community who have made a significant contribution to the Foundation and our school district. Star awards are announced annually and recipients are recognized at one of the foundation’s events. View past winners.

A Volunteer-Driven Organization – Join Us

The Hilliard Education Foundation Board of Trustees comprises 18 community members and six non-voting representatives from Hilliard City Schools and the Board of Education.

Board members serve a minimum three-year term and are eligible to serve additional terms.

Board service is strictly voluntary and requires active involvement in fundraising activities, committees, school PTOs, and event coordination and participation.

If you are interested in learning more about the board, please contact us.